Saturday, March 1, 2014

11. Christmas in India

Dr. Venkatesh (standing) and Dr. Veena (sitting)
operating on the same patient on Christmas Day
On Christmas Day, 2013, I went to the Operating Theatre along with all other Aravind Pondicherry doctors.  That morning, I witnessed Dr. Venkatesh and his wife Dr. Veena, operating together on a one year old boy, to save his vision from congenital cataract and congenital glaucoma.  They said it was the first time they’ve operated together in 18 years.  To see a husband and wife team applying their superb skills on the same patient, was truly a sight to behold.  After they completed their case, I continued with my own slate of cataract surgeries, in muted admiration for what I had seen.  I hope one day, when this child grows up seeing, he will realize how God had touched him, by sending Dr. Venkatesh and Dr. Veena on that special day to save his vision.

Author and happy patient on Christmas Day
I finished my Christmas day by seeing the patients I had previously operated on Christmas Eve.  To help these people see, to see the results of my surgery, and to receive their appreciation, was the best Christmas present I’ve had in decades.  When I stepped out of the hospital in the afternoon sun, I chuckled.  At the hospital entrance was a huge crate, containing the latest Intralase IFS femtosecond laser LASIK system, being installed at Aravind Pondicherry that same day.  What a special day indeed!

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